Merge Templates


Merge templates are used to create a store for documents that require mail merge.

Templates Maintenance

1. To add or edit details of a template that has already been created, select the template by double clicking on the required template.

2. The selected template is highlighted in grey and the fields that are available for editing are displayed.

3. Add or edit the required details in the visible fields for the specific template.

Name: Is the unique identifier for the template set by the user.
Description: The name of the template.
Type: Select the type the template is used for. The options are Event, Extra, Skill/Competency or Training.

Data Source.
Staff master: Allows fields from the staff record to be used for mail merge.
Current contract: Allows fields from the staff member's current contract to be used for mail merge.
Fields: Displays the fields available for mail merge dependent on the selected criteria.
Sample data source:
Soft form: Allows you to attach a previously created soft form to the event - created in Admin > Soft Forms.

Choose file: Opens Windows Explorer so that you can browse to a merge template to upload.
Test Merge: Choose a file to prove that the mail merge works correctly and ensure the desired merge fields have been entered

4. Click on the SAVE button at the top of the screen.

Creating a New Template

1. Click on NEW at the top right of the screen.

2. Fill in the details for the template.

3. Click SAVE.

NOTE: The template should now appear in the list of templates when accessing this screen.

Deleting a Template

1. Select the template by double clicking on the required template.

2. The screen will change to show the details of the selected template.

3. Click DELETE at the top of the page.

4. Click DELETE to the delete message.