Here is where you setup specific criteria
for Leavers, New contracts (including
contract changes) and New starters.
This allows you to choose which screens are present during the addition of a new staff member in
Staff Maintenance and allows you to mandate more fields. This includes the setup for all
5 MAIN staff record pages, the contracts page, whether or not a primary unit must be added and shows the leaves screen.
This works just like the security screen:
Makes the field as mandatory
Allows data to be entered in to the field
Makes the field visible but no data can be entered - (read only).
Hides the field
REMEMBER: Any staff completing contract changes must have security group access to all the fields and screens required during the workflow or they will not be able to complete the addition of a new staff member/Contract Change.
New contract only allows you to set fields for the CONTRACT tab in
Staff Maintenance.
NOTE: The Contract tab cannot be removed from the workflow and again removing any tabs with mandatory data entry will result in you not being able to complete the workflow.
In the leaver workflow setup you have the ability to restrict how far in advance you can end a contract:
If you uncheck the box then the limit will not be applied and you can end contracts any length in advance.