Holiday Dates


This screen allows you to set up bank/public holidays throughout the year.

NEW: Add new Bank/Public holiday.
SAVE: Save your changes.
RESTORE: Restores all fields to last saved.
DELETE: Deletes the holiday date.
CLEAR: Returns to the dates list without saving.

Date: Enter the Bank/Public holiday date.
Description: Enter a description of the Bank/Public holiday (max 30 characters), this becomes the narrative once added to staff.

ADD REQUESTS: Click to add a holiday to staff who have a work pattern on that date and are setup to have holidays dates added.

Creating a New Holiday Date

1. Click on NEW at the top right of the screen.

2. Fill in the details for the holiday date.

3. Click SAVE.

NOTE: The holiday date should now appear in the list of dates when accessing this screen.

For the Bank/Public holidays to automatically display on a rota, the toggle button to turn on the holiday dates must be selected on the Leaves tab in the Staff Maintenance record. Now press the ADD REQUESTS button:

Press CLOSE.

This automatically adds the Christmas Bank Holiday to the rota.

To view previously expired dates, select Show past dates. Past dates will display in a light colour grey and future dates will display in a darker grey.:

NOTE: Leave will only be added to staff that are set to work Bank Holidays and will replace existing working patterns only. If there is not a work pattern or a leave/shift is already present on that date then no leave is added.

Deleting a Holiday Date

1. Select the holiday date by clicking on the required date.

2. Click DELETE at the top of the page .

3. Click DELETE to the delete message.