Monthly Schedules Report


The Monthly Schedules report produces a schedule report based on a calendar month period.

Report Parameters

Unit: The actual Unit. Pre-fills from Unit Maintenance.
Unit Master: The dates the Unit is active from and to. Pre-fills from Unit Maintenance underneath the specific Unit setup.

Start Date: The date to capture report parameters from.
End Date: The date to capture report parameters to.

Contract Types
Contract: Captures staff member who have a staff type of ‘Contract’.
Bank: Captures staff members who have a staff type of ‘Bank’.
Contract as Bank: Captures staff members who have a staff type of ‘Contract as bank’.
Agency: Captures staff members who have a staff type of ‘Agency’.

Print on all rotas shifts: Includes the new shifts which print across all rotas.
Secondary unit leaves: Includes leave for secondary unit staff.

Report options
Approved requests: Captures leave/shift requests which have a status of Approved.
Prescribed rota: This is the rota that has been inputted via Unit Schedules, being the Prescribed (Planned) Rota.
Rank and grade: Lists all the staff members ranks and grades on the output.

Display rota Months: Month of the reporting dates will appear in a banner.
Pending requests: Captures leave/shift requests which have a status of Pending.
Actual service: This is the rota that has been inputted/amended via Shift Control, being the Actual Service.
Split pages: Gap in-between different staff types.
Display weekdays: First two characters of the weekday appears below reporting dates.
Current view: Is how you are currently looking at the rota which will include Prescribed and Actual Service transactions
Agency names: Staff members name entered against shifts will appear in the ‘Staff’ list instead of staff code.

Shifts: Displays the Shift code of the transaction.
Times: Displays the start time and end time of the transaction as well as shift code.

Cell Size
Small: All cells are smaller.
Large: All cells are larger and clearer.

Landscape: Prints rota horizontally, letters and cells are wider than taller.
Portrait: Prints rota vertically, letters and cells are taller than it is wide.

Sort by
Team Transaction: Sorts staff members by team the transaction they are working is set (in needs).
Team Contract: Sorts staff members based on the Team assigned to them for the particular unit.
Rank: Sort staff members by the rank their grade is attached to.
Grade: Sorts staff members by the order of Grades in Admin > Grades.

Staff counts by
Shifts: Counts the number of times a shift code has been worked in the reporting period.
Related to main shift: Counts each sub shifts and puts it under the main count.
Time crossover of main shift: If a sub shift crossovers into a main shift times it counts that shift.

Staff totals by
Main shift only: Totals all worked transaction by main shift.
Subtotals by rank: Splits the counts by ranks.
Subtotals by rank and grade: Splits totals into ranks and then into grades.
Grand totals: All the transactions worked per day are totalled.
Show needs: Needs colouring appears on counts.

Running the Report

Complete all report parameters including the date range.

If you want the report in CSV format tick Output to File.
If PDF output only is required, the Output to File check box does not need to be ticked.

The report is complete will be displayed at the top of the page .

Click VIEW REPORT to view the PDF output.
Click OPEN FILE to view the CSV output.