This screen will allow you to see all changes made in Staff.Care. It will tell you which user made a save, to whom, what was saved/changed, which screen the change was made in & the date/time of save/change.
Records: If selected will output the list of records in the top half of the audit screen.
Selected detail: If selected will output the details in the bottom half of the screen for the selected record.
Report: Outputs the audit to .csv format.
Display: Presents the audit on screen.
Done by: Changes made by which staff member (Staff.Care Log on).
Done to: Changes made to which Staff.Care staff member.
Start date: List the appropriate changes made from this date forward.
End date: List the appropriate changes made up to this date.
Unit: All changes made referencing this unit.
Menu: Lists trails made in this screen for example, ‘Schedules’ will list all changes made in Unit Schedules, ‘Staff Maintenance’ will list all changes made within staff maintenance.
Note: The date range represents the date any changes were made in Staff.Care not the actual dates of transactions.