Bank Query


Bank Query provides a method for searching the Bank Requests using a date range and/or a specific staff member. When searching using a staff member, the results will display the Unfilled Bank Requests that the selected staff member can fulfill.


Staff master: Query individual staff members. Leave blank to include all staff members.
Start date: The start date of the report parameters.
End date: The end date of the report parameters.
Query: Click this button to run the on screen report.
Request: When staff tick this box they are requesting to work the bank shift need.

Request Details

Upon clicking a request the functionality to fill that request with available staff appears.

To fill the request, click on an available staff member from the available staff box on the left and then click the Fill button to the right.


Shift type
Any: Include both day and nights shifts in the report.
Days only: Include only day shifts in the report.
Nights only: Include only night shifts in the report.

Units: Select the units to be included in the report.
Bank priority: Select the bank priorities to be included in the report.
Rank: Select the ranks to be included in the report.

Use staff types: Select the staff types to include in the report.
Show available only: When selected will show only staff that can fill the request.
Show requested only: When selected will show only staff that have requested to fill shifts themselves.
Floater: Shows staff that have been set up as 'floaters' meaning the can work across multiple units.
Show unfilled only: When selected, the report will only display needs that have not been filled.
Show authorised only: Shows only the Bank Requests that have been Authorised by higher management.