Bank Staff Maintenance


Details - Main

Staff Code: Is the unique identifier for the bank staff member set by the user.
Sex: The gender of that member of staff e.g. male.
Title: The title of that member of staff e.g. MR or MR.
Security group: The security group of that member of staff set up in Admin > Security Groups.
First name: The first name of that member of staff.
Surname: The Surname of that member of staff.
Date of birth: The date of birth of that member of staff.

Address line 1: The address line 1 of that member of staff.
Address line 2: The address line 2 of that member of staff.
Address line 3: The address line 3 of that member of staff.
Address line 4: The address line 4 of that member of staff.
Postcode: The postcode of that member of staff.
Telephone: The telephone number of that member of staff.
Mobile (SMS): The mobile number of that member of staff.
Marital status: The marital status of that member of staff.
Nationality: The nationality of that member of staff.
Ethnicity: The ethnicity of that member of staff.
Payroll number: The payroll number for that member of staff.
National insurance number: The national insurance number of that member of staff.
Staff ID: This is a unique employee code for use outside Staff.Care.
Rollover date: The default date for the rollover of staff leaves.

Email address: E-mail address of that staff member.
Restrict unit/staff access: The user can only view staff details and unit details that they are assigned to.
Access own record only: The user can only view there staff details but can view all available units.
Auto-load in staff maintenance: Loads the specific staff member upon clicking this menu without having to search.
Default to Favourites view: Use the Favourites menu set up in Admin > Favourites.
Favourites view: Which Favourites menu to use.

Details - NOK & Contract

Next of kin
Name: The name of the next of kin.
Telephone: The telephone number of the next of kin.
Mobile: The mobile number of the next of kin.
Address: The address of the next of kin.
Email: The email address of the next of kin.
Notes: Additional information pertaining to the next of kin.

Emergency contact
Name: The name of the emergency contact.
Telephone: The telephone number of the emergency contact.
Mobile: The mobile number of the emergency contact.
Address: The address of the emergency contact.
Email: The email of the emergency contact.
Notes: Additional information pertaining to the emergency contact.

Details - Payroll

Tax code: Staff member tax code (numeric).
Tax suffix: Staff member tax code (alpha).
Cumulative: Annual tax allowance.
Week 1: I.e. emergency tax.
Previous gross: See P45.
Previous tax: See P45.
Student loan: Advised by inland revenue.
p38s: Advised by inland revenue.
New starter: Enter the new starter category (A, B or C) that applies to the new starter checklist.

Start date: When the staff member started working for the organisation.
Pension date: Date pension is due to start.
Cash: Paid in cash.
Cheque: Paid by cheque.
BACS: Paid by BACS.

Bank sort code: Bank sort code.
Bank account number: Bank account number.
Building society ref: Building Soc. Reference number.

Category: National insurance category.
National insurance number: National insurance number.

Date: When the staff member does not work for the organisation anymore.
Reason: E.g. retired.

Auto-enrollment opt-out: Denotes if the staff member opted out of the government auto-enrollment pension scheme.
Opt-out date: Date the staff member opted out of the government auto-enrollment pension scheme.

Details - Security

Access name: This is the user's login name.
T&A code: This is a unique identifier for the user clocking-in (if biometric terminals are used)
Terminal Admin Access: This is ticked if user requires admin rights to the biometric terminal.

Password: The user's password to login with.
Confirm: Confirmation of the user's password.

Password reset by email
Password reset email address: Enter an email address by which a password reset link will be sent if user locks themselves out of the system.
Allow password reset email: Upon entering an email address this defaults to on, if turned off this disables the password reset via email for this user.

Passcode: Numeric value used as a secondary security measure for logging in.
Confirm: Enter the passcode again.

Password options
User must change at next logon: Upon logging in the first time, the staff member must change the default password to one of their own choosing.
User cannot change password: Prevents the staff member from changing their own password.
Password never expires: Password doesn't expire after the default expiry period.
Account disabled: User name and password/passcode will no longer allow this staff member to log in to Staff.Care


Contract The actual contract of the staff member.

Start date: Staff member organisational contract start date.
End date: Staff member organisational contract end date.

Job title (leave): The job title of the staff member. For example, set to Non-Clinical Non-Manager 0y which links directly to the leave accrual calculation for all none clinical staff who don’t manage
Staff description: For example, set to Admin Assistant as this is the exact role the staff member works.
Staff type: The staff type of the staff member.
Floater: Whether or not the staff member can work across different units.
NOTE: Make sure floater is ticked otherwise secondary unit staff won't show in View Requests.
Pay code: The pay code of the staff member.
Bank pay code: The pay code when working bank of the staff member.
WTE: Whole time equivalent hours, with up to 4 decimal places i.e., 0.8242.
Hours per week: The amount of hours per week the staff member works on this contract.
Agency: The agency that the staff member belongs to.
Days off per week: The amount of days the staff member doesn't work on this contract.
Maximum stretch: The amount of consecutive days the staff member can work in a row.
Rank/grade: The rank and grade of the staff member.

Internal rotation
Both: Whether the staff member can work both day and night shifts.
Day: The staff member can work day shifts only.
Night: The staff member can work night shifts only.

Annual salary: The staff member's salary (yearly).
Contract summary: Used as a summary when contracts change.
Active additionals: Used to add additional grades and pay codes.
Memo: Any additional information about the staff member.


Unit: The unit the staff member can work on.
Unit master: The contract information pertaining to the rota.
Unit team: The team the staff member belongs to on the unit.

Primary: Indicates that this is the staff members primary unit.
Secondary: Indicates that this is the staff members secondary unit.

Manage teams: Allows the staff member to access other staff member details if they belong to a specific team.
Has access: Allows the staff member to view the rota.
Hide: Hides the unit from view.
Sequence: The order of the units if there are multiple units that the staff member can work on.
Cost centre: The name of the cost centre for the unit.


Leave code: The type of leave.
Group: Allows you to group leaves together to apply request rules.
self-requestable: Allows the staff member to request this type of leave for days off.
Use for added holiday dates: For the Bank/Public holidays to automatically display on a rota, the toggle button to turn on the holiday dates must be on.

Use times: Calculates the running leave allowance and balance in hours and minutes.
Use number: Calculates the running leave allowance and balance in whole numbers. For example days.

Rollover date: The rollover date of the selected leave.
Increment: A numeric value pertaining to the Period.
Period: The number of Days/weeks/months/years that the rollover period for this leave code defaults to during workflows and addition to contracts.
Recalculate: Allows you to correct any mistakes/make any changes which affect leave allowances/balances/time value of leave day on a contract.
Number allowance: The yearly allowance (how much leave they staff member is allowed to take.
Number balance: The running total balance of leaves. It is the allowance minus leave taken.

Items - Events

FOLDERS - Under this menu you can see each individual folder in sequence order.
Count icon - In the top right of each folder is a round icon with a number, the number corresponds to the number of unique item types under each folder the staff member has attached:

Red icon – Means one or more of the items under this folder has expired.
Amber icon – None of the items have expired but one or more items under this folder are expiring.
Green icon – None of the items under this folder are expired or expiring, all are well in date.
Grey 0 icon – Means no items are under this folder.

ADD - The Add button allows you to pick from any items to which you have full access and are associated to the current folder.

Event: The type of event that occurred
Start date: Indicates the date when the event began.
Start time: Indicates the time when event began.
End date: Indicates the date when the event ended.
End time: Indicates the time when event ended.

Patient search:
Acknowledged: Indicates if the event has been acknowledged by the user.
Narrative: The description of the event.
Attachment: Any attached documentation to the event is stored here.
Memo: Can be used to store additional notes.

Items - Skills/Competencies

FOLDERS - Under this menu you can see each individual folder in sequence order.
Count icon - In the top right of each folder is a round icon with a number, the number corresponds to the number of unique item types under each folder the staff member has attached:

Red icon – Means one or more of the items under this folder has expired.
Amber icon – None of the items have expired but one or more items under this folder are expiring.
Green icon – None of the items under this folder are expired or expiring, all are well in date.
Grey 0 icon – Means no items are under this folder.

ADD - The Add button allows you to pick from any items to which you have full access and are associated to the current folder.

Event: The type of event that occurred
Start date: Indicates the date when the event began.
Start time: Indicates the time when event began.
End date: Indicates the date when the event ended.
End time: Indicates the time when event ended.

Patient search:
Acknowledged: Indicates if the event has been acknowledged by the user.
Narrative: The description of the event.
Attachment: Any attached documentation to the event is stored here.
Memo: Can be used to store additional notes.

Items - Trainings

FOLDERS - Under this menu you can see each individual folder in sequence order.
Count icon - In the top right of each folder is a round icon with a number, the number corresponds to the number of unique item types under each folder the staff member has attached:

Red icon – Means one or more of the items under this folder has expired.
Amber icon – None of the items have expired but one or more items under this folder are expiring.
Green icon – None of the items under this folder are expired or expiring, all are well in date.
Grey 0 icon – Means no items are under this folder.

ADD - The Add button allows you to pick from any items to which you have full access and are associated to the current folder.

Event: The type of event that occurred
Start date: Indicates the date when the event began.
Start time: Indicates the time when event began.
End date: Indicates the date when the event ended.
End time: Indicates the time when event ended.

Patient search:
Acknowledged: Indicates if the event has been acknowledged by the user.
Narrative: The description of the event.
Attachment: Any attached documentation to the event is stored here.
Memo: Can be used to store additional notes.

Items - Staff Extras

FOLDERS - Under this menu you can see each individual folder in sequence order.
Count icon - In the top right of each folder is a round icon with a number, the number corresponds to the number of unique item types under each folder the staff member has attached:

Red icon – Means one or more of the items under this folder has expired.
Amber icon – None of the items have expired but one or more items under this folder are expiring.
Green icon – None of the items under this folder are expired or expiring, all are well in date.
Grey 0 icon – Means no items are under this folder.

ADD - The Add button allows you to pick from any items to which you have full access and are associated to the current folder.

Event: The type of event that occurred
Start date: Indicates the date when the event began.
Start time: Indicates the time when event began.
End date: Indicates the date when the event ended.
End time: Indicates the time when event ended.

Patient search:
Acknowledged: Indicates if the event has been acknowledged by the user.
Narrative: The description of the event.
Attachment: Any attached documentation to the event is stored here.
Memo: Can be used to store additional notes.


Expense form: The actual expense form.
Date: The date of the actual expense.
Attachment: Any attachments pertaining to the expense (receipt etc.).

Submit: Submit expenses for review by management.