Staff Turnover Report


Enables you to run a report on staff members who started, ended or continued based on the start date and termination date record in the payroll tab in Staff > Staff Maintenance.

Report Parameters

Start Date: The date to capture report parameters from.
End Date: The date to capture report parameters to.

Sort by
Start date: Sorts the staff members by start date which is recorded in the payroll tab.
Turnover category: Orders staff members based on the three categories: Started, Continuous and Terminated.
Staff code: Sorts the staff members by staff code alphabetically.
Termination date: Sorts the staff members by date of their termination date recorded in the payroll tab in Staff maintenance.
Staff ID: Sorts the staff members by Staff ID, numerical first and then alphabetically (i.e. 1, 2, 3, A, B, C).
Staff name: Orders the staff members by surname alphabetically.

Date option
Starting: Captures staff members whose start date is within the reporting dates.
During: Captures staff members who continue between the reporting dates .
Ending: Captures staff members whose termination date is within the reporting dates.

Running the Report

Complete all report parameters including the date range.

If you want the report in CSV format tick Output to File.
If PDF output only is required, the Output to File check box does not need to be ticked.

The report is complete will be displayed at the top of the page .

Click VIEW REPORT to view the PDF output.
Click OPEN FILE to view the CSV output.