Save Levels Report


This report allows you to check whether all rotas have been saved to a specific level for a specific date. This is especially useful for checking your publishing schedules are being adhered to, meaning your staff can see when they are working X weeks in advance:

Report Parameters

Units: Select which units you wish to report the save level of.
Target date: Rota date you wish to check the save level of.

Show hidden units: Include units which have been hidden.

Sort by
Save level: Organises the output by Save level first.
Unit: Organises the report by unit.

Complete all report parameters.

Click Generate.
Click Open File to view the CSV output.

The output for the report is as follows:

Unit Code and Unit Description: Unit identifier.
Rota Days: Number of days in the rota set in Units > Unit Maintenance.
Admin Rota Days: Number of days in the rota set in Admin > Units.
Rota Start and End Date: Start and end date of the rota containing the target date.
Save Level: Current save level of each rota.
Last Saved by: Staff code of the user who last saved each rota.
Last Saved: Date/Time the rota was last saved.
Hidden: Whether or not each rota is hidden (useful if you have selected to show hidden units).